Cheers! File your tax returns with ease!
Use our On-line Virtual Tax Preparation system to prepare your taxes from the comfort of your home...or just about anywhere.
This program has been a LIFE SAVER for many.
Come join us!
NO! It does NOT cost extra to prepare your tax return(s) in this way. Our price schedules remain the SAME across the board regardless, whether you choose to make an "in-office visit", "drop them off", "mail them in" or use our "Virtual Online Tax Preparation Suite".
Call our office at (518) 843-2511. Current and New Clients, in order to use our Virtual Online Tax Service, we will ask for your email address and some specific information. We will send you a SECURE LINK identifiable ONLY to you. Through this link you will be able to upload all of your tax documents, driver's license(s) and other applicable documentation for your dependents from your computer, iPad, or smart-phone. We will also send you an email explaining the rest of the process (it's SMOOTH & SIMPLE)!
Our Accountants & Tax Preparers will prepare your Tax Returns. After completion we will schedule a Virtual Meeting Conference with you. We will email you a Virtual Meeting Room link with simple instructions.
You can access your secure "Virtual Meeting Link" from your computer, iPad, smartphone or other smart device. When using your scheduled virtual meeting link, we will verify your identity, and you will be able to "Virtually see and speak" with one of our Accountants or Tax Preparers face-to-face. We will review your Tax Return(s) with you, and you'll be able to see your tax returns right in-front of you on your screen. During this meeting we will be able to address any questions you may have. This is what we call "REAL" online tax preparation & filing.
While in our "Virtual Meeting Room", we will take payment via Debit or Credit Card, or you can use one of our Bank Products (which we will disclosed during the meeting).
After we take payment, we will immediately send a link to you (and to your spouse) to electronically sign, and a copy of your Tax Return(s), along with a payment receipt. As soon as we receive the signed documents (while still in the Virtual Meeting Room), we will send them out electronically! You will also be sent a separate link to provide you access to your "Client Portal" where you can view all of your tax documents and a copy of your tax returns at anytime.
Just wait for those REFUNDS (if you are entitled) to drop into your bank account! We saved you time, a trip to the office, gas, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...we've provided you a safe and secure way to prepare your Tax Return(s). Cheers!
$ of course! But, we can't divulge ALL of our best kept secrets on the web!
It's very simple. If you are a Current Client, you have already recieved your customized referral link and DO NOT NEED TO APPLY. ⭐If you are NOT a Client, you can still apply to participate, and we will let you know if we are a good fit. If we accept your application we will send you your customized link, and information explaining the program(s) and the rules :-). It's super easy, and is done from the convenience of using your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can refer new clients in as easy as counting "1...2...3".
⭐NEW Affiliates, please click on the button below to APPLY!
**If you are a current client, you have already received this link. Have fun and start earning!💰
38 E. Main St., 2nd Fl, P.O. Box 766, Amsterdam, N.Y., 12010
1000 Wyckoff Avenue, Suite 312, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430, United States
Copyright © 2025 Des Moines Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation L.L.C. - All Rights Reserved.
(518) 843-2511
Office Locations
Amsterdam, N.Y. Main Headquarters & Processing Center Mahwah, N.J. Satellite Office (Appointment Only)
38 E. Main Street, Amsterdam, N.Y. 12010 1000 Wyckoff Avenue, Suite 312, Mahwah, N.J., 07430
(518) 843-2511 (201) 492-5803